How to become a Chief Technology Officer – Just ask ChatGPT

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HomeLearning HubHow to become a Chief Technology Officer – Just ask ChatGPT
You’re a software engineer at the start of your career, and your goal is to make Chief Technology Officer (CTO).
Why not ask ChatGPT how to do it?
That’s what one of our favourite Twitter accounts, “World of Engineering” (@engineers_feed) did.
The result is probably going to be an ok-ish consensus of what the web thinks. That’s still not a bad place to start.
Here’s a summary of what ChatGPT-4 recommended;

1. Become a technical expert

Focus on gaining technical expertise in your field. This can be achieved through formal education, on-the-job training, and self-learning. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in your area by attending conferences, reading research papers, and participating in online forums.

2. Build leadership skills

To become a CTO, you need to develop strong leadership skills. This involves learning how to motivate and inspire others, communicate effectively, and make tough decisions. Seek out leadership opportunities within your current job, such as managing a team or leading a project.

3. Get business acumen

CTOs need to understand how their technical decisions impact the overall business. This includes understanding financials, market trends, and customer needs. Consider taking courses in business administration or pursuing an MBA to develop your business acumen.

4. Network

Building a network of contacts in your industry is crucial for career advancement. Attend industry events, join professional organisations, and connect with other professionals on LinkedIn.

5. Manage people and projects

To advance your career towards becoming a CTO, you'll need to demonstrate your ability to manage people and projects. Seek out management roles, such as team lead or project manager, and focus on delivering results.

6. Find a mentor

Find a mentor who is working as a CTO. Learn from their experiences and seek their advice on how to achieve your career goals.

7. Continuous learning

Technology is constantly evolving, so CTOs need to stay on top of the latest developments. Stay curious and keep learning. Take courses, attend conferences, or pursuing certifications.
In summary, ChatGPT-4 recommends the best path to becoming a CTO is;
  1. Become a technical expert
  2. Build leadership skills
  3. Get business acumen
  4. Network
  5. Manage people and projects (seems the same as #2)
  6. Find a mentor
  7. Continuous Learning
ChatGPT seems to be describe a process where you first become very good at what your job is – the technical skills. Then, you broaden your horizon with people and management such as the soft, business skills.
At the end of the process, the CTO isn’t necessarily the best coder. Instead, they are the best at getting the most out of others to achieve the wider business goals. Ironically, if you love coding, maybe you won’t necessarily enjoy being a CTO.

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