Returns are calculated by measuring the percentage change in the sell price for each investment option over the relevant time period up to one year.
Returns for periods greater than one year are annualised. The performance calculation is net of investment fees, transactions costs and taxes that are accrued in the calculation of the unit prices but does not include any fees and taxes that are charged directly to the member’s account. Investment returns are historical and past performance is not indicative of future performance.
Return of capital and the performance of your investment is not guaranteed.
Please note that prior to the Successor Fund Transfer on 1 June 2024, returns were after percentage-based administration and investment fees, transaction costs, and taxes. Returns are now presented gross of all administration fees.
This performance table refers to the performance of the investment options used by Engineering Super, which have been operating since 2018. The brand Engineering Super has been operating since 2023.
Investment Options
Login to change investment options at any time.
High Growth
This option is designed for those who are investing over the longer term and are prepared to accept potentially higher levels of fluctuations in returns in the short term, for the potential to achieve greater long term returns.
High Growth Strategic Asset Allocation
Australian shares (43%)
International shares (43%)
Australian property (5%)
International property (5%)
Global infrastructure (4%)
Cash (0%)
Fixed income (0%)
Return objective: CPI + 3.50% p.a. over rolling 10-year periods.
Minimum Investor horizon: 10 years
This option is designed for those who are investing over the longer term and are prepared to accept potentially higher levels of fluctuations in returns in the short term, for the potential to achieve greater long term returns.
This option is designed to provide comparable levels of short term fluctuations in returns to the High Growth option, and potentially higher long term returns than the Balanced option.
Growth Strategic Asset Allocation
Australian shares (40%)
International shares (41%)
Australian property (3%)
International property (3%)
Global infrastructure (3%)
Cash (1%)
Fixed income (9%)
Return objective: CPI + 3.00% p.a. over rolling 10 year periods.
Minimum Investor horizon: 10 years
This option is designed for those seeking some growth but wish to lower the potential for fluctuations in returns over the short term.
This option is designed to provide lower levels of short term fluctuations in returns than the Growth and High Growth options.
Balanced Strategic Asset Allocation
Australian shares (32%)
International shares (30%)
Australian property (2%)
International property (3%)
Global infrastructure (3%)
Cash (5%)
Fixed income (25%)
Return objective: CPI + 2.50% p.a. over a rolling 7 year period.
Minimum Investor horizon: 7 years
The asset allocations shown above are based on the strategic asset allocation and may vary within the allowable range from time to time and are subject to change.
For more information on the strategy and risk exposures of each investment option see the Reference Guide.